The intelligent reservation and service software from hiberus

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Sintra, the technological innovation in appointment scheduling and customer management
Give an outstanding customer assistance while reducing waiting time with this smart system. Sintra is composed by several modules, including appointment scheduling and management, and omnichannel interaction by bots and human agents.
A modular system to manage the whole customer journey & experience

The customer experience starts with the first contact point and continues through every physical and digital interaction.
Sintra integrates different solutions related to appointment scheduling, queue management and the management of the customer pathway at small, medium and large enterprises. A solution that is easily adaptable to customer needs as well as its timmings with the goal to optimize every point of contact.

Centralize and control the information
Single repository that distributes the information: special schedules, texts, notifications, appointments.

Use a flexible and easy system
Combine features and data immediately.

Reduce customer waiting time
Avoid queuing and waiting time and create safe spaces.

Integrated within your corporate image
Fluid and clear experience framed inside your corporation branding and values.

Improve productivity
Optimize your human and physical resources whatever you are a small, medium or big organization.

Contact Center Service
Manage the communications with clients, do a follow-up and track of all conversations channel by channel.
Get to know all Sintra solutions
Sintra offers a smart and easy appointment scheduling system with a wide range of customization options. It’s a modular solution that is smoothly adapted to your organization.
The best tool to save time, optimize work and simplify the management of customer experience.

Appointment scheduling
- Request, confirmation, reminder, modification and canceling through mail and SMS.
- Availability analysis based on services and parameters.
- Schedule and agents availability display.
- Multi language.
- Custom corporate image and adaptable to your organization.
- Responsive multi device.
- Appointment scheduling by agent, service or resource (desktop, fitting room, parking lot, loading dock).
- Integrable with CRMs, Office 365 and other platforms.
- Integrated with Hiberus Solutions Ecosystem.
Digital assistance, centralized management system
- All channels at a single platform.
- Centralize your staff management.
- All analytics in a single panel.
- Retrieve inquiries 24X7
- Whatsapp, phone calls, webchat and SMS.
- Integration with CRM.

Smart assistance through bots and omnichannel virtual assistants
- Bots and omnichannel virtual assistants through Whatsapp, webchat, phone and others.
- Capability of assistance flows automation
- Integrable with a call center system
- Integrable with a CRM
- User guidance with questions or with free text introduction
- Conversation Text To Speech or Speech to Text
- IA, Machine Learning and continuous retraining to improve success in answers Option of links enriched with urls and files
- Consultancy and custom design of user flows, adapted to your organization
- Possible transfer to human agent
Remote assistance through video and phone
- Schedule appointments to be attended through phone or video call.
- Possibility of sharing screen and live chat.
- No need for additional installation or further technical requisites.
- Avoids unnecessary commuting and avoids exposition to environments.
- Allows visual inspections.
- Direct integration with Twilio.

Face to face assistance
- Queuing, product and services agent management.
- Displays and totems with tickets expedition at physical points. Layout and user flow customization possibility.
- Agent association based on special needs of each customer.
- Possibility of QR reading to notify customer arrival to lobby.
All the information of your physical points at a single place
- It works like a central repository for all your physical locations.
- Keeps data coherence within all channels, countries, languages and brands.
- It is integrated with appointment and booking lead forms.
- Whole user experience from physical point searching to final appointment booking.

Advanced analytics
- Detailed information of physical points, even obtaining specific reports.
- Specific dashboard for each physical point appointment scheduling management system.
- Custom and regular reports with shceduled, cancelled and modified appointments.
- Filtering by channel, point, location, service and dates.
- Whole information about services to boost decision taking.
Bronze Tier Consultant Partner of Twilio - Omnichannel leading company
Twilio combines multiple communication channels for customer service in an easy, immediate and direct way. It stands out for its scalability, implementation speed and integration possibilities through APIS with CRMS, marketing campaign managers and workforce optimizers among others.
As a Bronze Partner we carry out the complete consulting, auditing, analysis, design and development process through our certified teams and with the support of the Build Community for excellence in omnichannel solutions.

Sintra works for a range of sectors

Public Sector
On line procedures, assistance and support for citizens and companies. Digitalize face to face services.

Bank & Insurance sector
Increase the customer trust and custom their experience, select assistance channel, inquiries immediate resolution.

Retail Sector
Online and offline customer tailored assistance . Increase clients satisfaction.

Logistics, energy and industry sector
Optimize material resources management, autonomy in arrival planing, reduce peaks of demand.

Health and Care Sector
Doctors visits avoiding the risk of crowds at lobbys, lowering waiting times and staff heavy workloads.

Leisure sector
Increase loyal customer satisfaction at subscription and renovation campaigns and tickets purchase, reduce staff stress.