
Industry 4.0 in the Construction Sector

Advance project timelines while saving costs in construction projects.

Our Platform

Hube is a comprehensive construction project management solution that combines planning, control, and monitoring of projects using advanced virtualization and pre-construction tools based on the BIM (Building Information Modeling) standard.


Hube revolutionizes the construction sector by enabling the virtualization and pre-construction of projects in 3D, providing a unique platform to share design, modeling, and data throughout all stages of the project, from initial design to post-sale management.

This solution is endorsed as a European innovation project at conferences such as Rebuild and EUBIM. It was a finalist in the Advanced Architecture Awards 2023 in the category of "Best Digitalization and Technological Innovation Project."


Use of BIM Methodology


Optimization of processes and resources


Comprehensive construction project management



Hube Modules



Hube Manager

Master Database and Project Configuration


This module offers the possibility of centralizing the master database to manage the relationships of resources and activities related to time, costs, and performance within the construction site.


Additionally, it allows the creation of new projects, customizing each project and its phase.


Hube Promotion

Pre-audit of a Project and Budget


This module allows the feasibility study of the project through the automatic generation of budgets and high-level productivity (less detailed 3D models).


It also allows the 3D visualization of the project model throughout its life cycle (Pre-project, Basic Project, Execution Project, Execution, and Post-sale).


Hube Technical Office

Theoretical Analysis of the Project


This module allows the automatic generation of detailed project budgets and their analysis throughout the project’s life cycle based on the detailed 3D model.


Additionally, it is possible to plan activities, workers, and resources, and configure the elements of the project and their relationships. It also allows auditing models through resulting measurements accessible from the application.


Hube Controller

Contracting and Economic Monitoring


From this module, the economic tracking of suppliers can be done, control of contracting by profiles and resources, creating offers, and organizing procurement tables.


It also allows the management of delivery notes, pro forma invoices, and integrates this module with administrative and document management tools.


Hube Production

Real-time Monitoring


This module allows the tracking of the economic and productive aspects of suppliers and chapters, as well as establishing comparisons between planning, scheduling, and execution.


As with the Controller module, it also allows the management of delivery notes, pro forma invoices, and integration with administrative and document management tools.


Finally, it allows the scheduling and control of the execution of work teams, activities, and warehouse with automatic distribution.


Hube Mobile

Offline/Online Site Management


The mobile application allows tracking of employee hours and executed activities, and gives access to personnel based on the validity of their documentation.


Additionally, from the mobile application, it is possible to access the details of received delivery notes and manage the warehouse.


It allows working without coverage with intelligent synchronization.




Hube Revit


Tool Interconnection


With this solution, plugins can be developed for Autodesk tools such as Revit, Navisworks, BIM360, or Forge.









Additionally, it allows calculations and automations on model properties and integration with other programs and processes to automatically reflect changes in the model.


It also interconnects with other CAD tools like Archicad, Tekla, Blender, and Silibri.








Finalist for Best Digitalization and Technological Innovation Project at the Advanced Architecture Awards 2023


Data Standardization for the Construction Process: A novel data model encompassing the 3D modeling of the building and all the information generated in the other stages of the construction project.


Estandarización de datos para el proceso constructivo. Novedoso modelo de datos que engloba el modelado 3D del edificio y toda la información generada en el resto de las etapas del proyecto constructivo.


Mobile Applications On-site: Use of online/offline mobile applications to control employee hours and executed activities, site access, received delivery notes, and warehouse management, among others.


Optimization of "Industrialized" Production Processes: Development of new tools for planning, resource control, issue management, and quality control.


Real-time Change Control: Instant transmission of modifications from the office to the site and vice versa through an online communication system for rapid incorporation of changes into the building and virtual models.


Why Choose Hube?



Efficient Data Management

Handling and exchanging large volumes of heterogeneous information such as plans, visual and three-dimensional information, schedules, or issues.


Greater Accessibility

Access to all resources regardless of the work center's location thanks to the inclusion of mobile devices.


Agility in Decision Making

Real-time communication and tracking, management, and control of project changes in execution.


Project Visualization

Graphical representation of the different aspects and components of a construction project in 3D.


Profitability and Productivity

Reduction of errors and rework, optimization of resources, improved efficiency, and optimal management throughout the project life cycle.



Improvement in the efficiency and profitability of project execution, product and service quality, and collaboration.



We Improve the Efficiency of Construction Projects


At Hiberus, we have revolutionized the engineering and construction sector by incorporating and applying new approaches, services, and technologies to help companies improve their efficiency and competitiveness.



Grupo Lobe


Learn how we developed a platform that allows Grupo Lobe to integrate all the data of a construction project into a three-dimensional graphic support, optimizing planning, cost control, and quality.



Construction software is a management system for construction companies that integrates and centralizes all the information from various areas and phases of a project into a single platform.


It is an essential support for these companies as it allows tracking the execution of a project, automating processes, and planning construction resources. This results in greater control throughout the process, improved service effectiveness, reduced costs, and increased productivity.

The construction sector generates a vast amount of data on various aspects such as costs, activities, times, materials, and people. The complexity of these data and the projects themselves necessitates detailed customization, making decision-making difficult.


Additionally, asset management in these companies is often very complicated. It is common for construction assets (machines, equipment, tools, vehicles, etc.) to be lost or stolen on-site. The accumulation of lost or stolen assets can cause significant losses for the company.


Therefore, construction companies need software that allows them to plan, budget, and track their projects, as well as control and organize all the resources and teams involved in the construction process easily. Software like Hube provides the necessary information and technological solutions at each stage to maximize the work of all stakeholders.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a collaborative working methodology for creating and managing building and civil works projects, significantly transforming the design, construction, and asset management process.


Its objective is to centralize all the information of a project in a virtual model developed by its agents (architects, engineers, builders, promoters, facilities managers, etc.) throughout the entire project lifecycle, from conception and construction to demolition, aiming to eliminate inefficiencies and problems that arise during the construction process.


BIM is the result of an evolution from traditional design systems based on plans (2D) as it incorporates geometric (3D), time (4D), cost (5D), environmental (6D), and maintenance (7D) information.

The BIM methodology helps improve reliability, speed, and productivity when designing a project or remodeling a building, optimizing the construction and asset management process throughout the project lifecycle. This results in reduced costs and execution and delivery times.


Additionally, it offers multiple advantages over traditional systems:


Collaborative and Multidisciplinary Work


All stakeholders involved in the construction process can work simultaneously and share information in real-time through a single cloud-based platform, making it easier to coordinate, control, and manage projects.


Error Minimization


BIM platforms automatically update information edited in any part of the model. There is no possibility of human error as the information is always consistent and reliable.


Project Customization


Allows having the necessary information at all times, as well as making real-time modifications, increasing the degree of customization and the project's suitability to each client's needs.


Visualization and Simulation


Provides a real simulation of the project during the pre-construction phase thanks to 3D visualizations. This allows foreseeing and solving problems before starting the work, avoiding additional costs due to unforeseen events.


Conflict Detection


With BIM, each project is planned in detail beforehand, helping to detect and avoid internal or external conflicts before construction begins, reducing last-minute changes and associated costs.


Increased Safety


Helps improve construction safety by identifying hazards preventively before they become problems. Additionally, visualizing and planning site logistics in advance avoids physical risks.


Procedure Sequencing


BIM reduces project cycle time and eliminates setbacks, facilitating the coordination of activities, construction processes, and personnel, resulting in an orderly sequence of procedures.

hiberus has been collaborating with leading companies in the engineering and construction sector for years. This collaboration has allowed it to apply new approaches and services to improve the planning, management, and control of construction projects, as well as to streamline business needs in a changing and demanding sector.


Moreover, hiberus has committed to leading the development of improvements for BIM integration processes and extensions, aiming to maximize the potential of these technologies and support the implementation of new methodologies and processes.


This experience, combined with the work of a team of experts in technological development related to construction processes, results in Hube, software designed to improve the quality of services offered by construction companies.

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