hiberus and Henneo, awardees of the 'big data' project for EU media
The European consortium TEMS, in which hiberus and Henneo participates as the primary and sole representative of press publishers, has won the bid for the project defining the European Data Space in the media sector.
This project, with a total budget of 7.4 million euros, falls within the GAIA-X initiative, through which the European Union is promoting data platforms in various sectors, including healthcare, tourism, mobility, and media. The goal is to enable European institutions and businesses to securely exchange data, strengthen efficiency, drive innovation, and accelerate the digitization processes. In addition to Henneo, the consortium includes other members from the sector such as the European TV Union (Eurovision), Agence France-Presse, the German public news agency DPA, the French public television, EITB, the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), the R&D association Innovalia, and several European research institutes, among other prominent representatives from the fields of communication and innovation.
The part of the project related to press publishers will primarily be executed by hiberus, the technological arm of the group, with the collaboration of Alayans, the alliance led by Henneo consisting of fifteen publishing groups that share technology and data to offer better services to advertisers and publishers. hiberus, on the other hand, has been involved in the GAIA-X data spaces for the tourism and healthcare sectors for some time. In this way, hiberus and Alayans are reinforcing their strategy to become significant references among international press publishers, in a expansion process that began some time ago.